Our Projects

The health and safety of our workers, as well as respect for the environment, are the main values ​​that form the basis of all our services.


Complete interior striping and removal of plaster on the slabs for new urban condos.

Complexe G

Demolition and excavation work to allow the installation of a 25 KV transformer.

Édifice le soleil

Excavation of a tunnel and demolition of more than 60,000 square feet of office space for renovation.

Édifice La Canopé

Various demolition and excavation work for the development of social housing.

Plaza Laval

Demolition of all exterior cladding and canopy for renovation.

Hydro Québec

Demolition of insulation in asbestos condition.

Animalerie Dyno

Complete demolition of the building in asbestos condition.

Charles Albanel

Complete interior striping and partial demolition of the mezzanine.

Chrysler Boischatel

Demolition of part of the building for a new showroom.